A national call to action to achieve economic parity for Black America by 2030
Our Mission
To Achieve Economic Parity for Black America by 2030

The Problem
To achieve economic and educational parity for Black America by 2030
African Americans make up approximately 13.4% of the US population yet are grossly underrepresented in top areas that create wealth, health, and prosperity in America.
For example, African Americans make up only:
- 1% of Venture Capital funded entrepreneurs
- 3% of Venture / Private Equity General Partners
- 1% of Fortune 500 CEO’s
- 8.6% of Fortune 500 corporate board members
- 5% of STEM Jobs
- 5% of Physicians
- 9% of STEM degrees
Conversely, African Americans are grossly overrepresented in the areas that lead to further inequality and despair. For example:
- 22.7% of the poor in America
- 37.9% of the prison population
The Problem
To achieve economic and educational parity for Black America by 2030
African Americans make up approximately 13.4% of the US population yet are grossly underrepresented in top areas that create wealth, health, and prosperity in America.
For example, African Americans make up only:
- 1% of Venture Capital funded entrepreneurs
- 3% of Venture / Private Equity General Partners
- 1% of Fortune 500 CEO’s
- 8.6% of Fortune 500 corporate board members
- 5% of STEM Jobs
- 5% of Physicians
- 9% of STEM degrees
Conversely, African Americans are grossly overrepresented in the areas that lead to further inequality and despair. For example:
- 22.7% of people whose income is below the poverty threshold in America
- 37.9% of the prison population

PhD Candidate and real estate tech entrepreneur, Chanda Lowrance, presenting her winning PPIC proposal for economic parity at The White House
The Solution – Economic Parity
The Parity Project has set an initial 10-year goal to achieve at least 13.4% African American representation (Parity) by 2030 in the following areas
- STEM Degrees in the US
- STEM Jobs in the US
- Private Equity / Venture Capital funded entrepreneurs (African American equity owner in the C-suite) in the US
- Fortune 500 Corporate Board of Directors

Parity Project Innovation Challenge winners present their economic parity solutions at The White House.
Get Involved
There are several ways you can jump in and help us achieve Parity. Choose what’s best for you!
- Make the Parity Pledge
- Donate to the cause
- Join us as an Industry or Foundation Partner
Sign the pledge by clicking the button below or Contact Us today to express your area of interest.